Story Wall

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Painting and Poem by Katerina Fretwell

 Katerina Fretwell
Fire Dancing, Katerina Fretwell
Screen shot of concrete poem, Anthem by Katerina Fretwell
If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. Vincent Van Gogh
Swirling grain of a weathered log, denuded pine rising from wetland,
wild field of daisies, susans, irises,
indigo bunting homing turquoise rays.
Patterned quilt of autumnal leaves, highway's swath through crimson, gold,
wintergreen berries breathing cooling air, squirrels playing tag up and down oak, ash.
Sky blindingly cobalt at high noon, snow crystals singing in prisms,
beech bravely baring sunlit leaves,
rabbits, partridge here, now hidden.
Mayflowers herald snow's recession, corn goddess and god thirstily kissing,
black leaves sway under swamp surface, pileateds drumming ironwood in sync,
birth, growth, decay, death procession seasoned holy, embodies my stages,
presenting before my awakened eyes,
each eye-blink, attitude of gratitude,
sun dimpling, snow smoothing, lightning revealing, how can I not
revere these pageants inviting witness: preserve every imperilled speck: look, act.
Katerina Vaughan Fretwell
from forthcoming book, Holy in My Nature