Join in the Gathering Voices reading to celebrate April, National poetry month! Celebrate poetry, and our natural Canadian beauty at London Public Library!
Thursday, April 11, 2019. 7-8:30 pm. Gathering Voices. Katerina Fretwell, Penn Kemp, Susan McCaslin and Susan McMaster are reading for National Poetry Month on the theme of Nature: We’ll be showing Mary McDonald’s 4-minute film interpreting Penn’s poem, “Wishing Well”, from
Stevenson & Hunt Room, Central Library, 251 Dundas Street, London, Ontario N6A 6H9. Sponsored by the League of Canadian Poets.

Across the ocean, on the same day, April 11, Wishing Well will also be shown at the Open Educational Resources Conference in Galway, Ireland as an example of how connecting artists and community together can create a resource which can be used for many levels of education.
Become part of the River Revery story and join the Gathering Voices on April 11 in London! This is where the magic happens — community, poetry, nature, sound and visual delights….join in!